Now that FeedJournal posts have their own blog , I'll take a more liberal approach to what I post here. With the risk of losing subscribers, I am now starting to post about anything that relates to my life – because that is and will remain the “niche” for this blog. Today, I make the first post about chess, a new subject here. I currently participate in TeamLeague #38 , an online team chess tournament, playing for Poisoned Pawns, in the under 1800 division. After two rounds we're 1-1, and in the middle of the table. In Round 3, my team plays the group leader, Arch Bishops. Here's my game, where my opponent goes for a rather dull choice of opening. Novita (1835) - Martinsson,Jonas (1821) [D94] TeamLeague T38 (Round 3), 22.02.2009 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.e3 The Anti-Benoni gives Black a choice of defenses, typically transposing into a Queen's Gambit, a Tarrasch or even a Caro Kann. I find the Grunfeld setup to be an easy equalizer for Black. 3...cxd4 4.exd4 g6 5...
Thoughts on whatever I am obsessed with at the time.