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Showing posts from March, 2008

Using FeedJournal #2: Google Reader Integration

This is the second post in a series on how to best take advantage of FeedJournal Reader . Today's post describes how you can integrate FeedJournal with Google Reader , the most popular web based RSS reader . As I pointed out in the previous article, you'd rather keep feeds with shorter articles in your old RSS reader. Still you will daily run into articles in Google Reader that you wished would show up in FeedJournal Reader. To do that, simply tag the article with "to FeedJournal" in GoogleReader. To set up articles with this tag to be automatically published in the next print issue of FeedJournal, you have to make the tag public. This setting is available in "Manage Subscriptions" below Google Reader's subscription list. Click on the Tag tab and toggle the tag's state to public. This makes the "view public page" visible. At the bottom of the public page's right-hand column is a link to the RSS feed. That's the RSS feed you need t...

Bug Squashed In Generate Newspaper

Today's update to FeedJournal Reader includes a fix for an annoying bug which occurred sporadically. Error messages about trying again after you hit the "Generate Newspaper" button should now have been rooted out. The update also includes some site optimizations to Reader. I am currently probing the market for a more reliable web host; so if you have positive experiences from an ASP.NET + SQL Server hosting company I'll gratefully lend you an ear.

FeedJournal, Booklet Style

It's great fun to monitor Technorati for blogs posts talking about FeedJournal . There are some innovative usages out there and one of my favorites is from Nik Codes , who outlines how he uses FeedJournal in the restroom ! Don't worry, the link is safe for work. " I printed out Coding Horror and it really did feel like Jeff Atwood in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times. " Nik also mentions how he uses BookletCreator for folding FeedJournal into a nice booklet, a great suggestion which I'll be sure to add to the FAQ .

Using FeedJournal #1: Choosing Feeds to Import

This is the first in a series of posts describing how you can make FeedJournal into the newspaper you always wanted. Future planned posts in the series are " Filtering Active Feeds", " Sending Any Web Page to Your Next Issue" and "G etting Full Articles from Summary Feeds". My RSS subscription list weighs in at 105 feeds today, which I believe is a normal number. How do I figure out which feeds will benefit from being moved to FeedJournal Reader ? To get to the answer, I ask myself 4 questions to see if a feed belongs in my regular RSS reader or in FeedJournal Reader: How likely am I to be interested in reading a random article in this feed? I subscribe to this feed for a reason. If I am not interested to read all stuff in the feed, it typically means that I am digging for gold, waiting for that golden post to arrive. If that's the case, I would be better off reading it in Google Reader, and when that golden post shows up I may tag it, and subscr...