There is this great insight about human relationships that I keep coming back to. The whole concept of it makes my mind spin because it is so meta and fresh. I first read the piece more than half a year ago, but I keep coming back to it. In fact, it's the most important blog post I ever read! Even if it would turn out that this theory has got it all wrong, the concept is still stupendous and enriches the understanding of social behavior. I am referring to Steve Pavlina's article from early this year, titled " Understanding Human Relationships ". In it, Pavlina puts forward an idea where all relationships are purely perceptions. He says that the relationship exists entirely inside you and by making a change in yourself you will change your perception of the other party. This works in parallel in two different ways. Firstly, by changing yourself you can see the other person from a slightly different perspective. Pavlina argues that the errors we see in others are typ...
Thoughts on whatever I am obsessed with at the time.