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Showing posts from May, 2007

Tech·Ed 2007

Next week I'll be visiting Orlando and Tech·Ed 2007 , Microsoft's annual developer conference. You will find me in the Mainsoft booth, showing off our spanking new 2.0 version of Grasshopper , the cool cross-compiler for .NET to Java, soon to be released. You are more than welcome to stop by the booth to chat with me and get the product tour.

FeedJournal as Desktop or Web Application

I have recently been approached by various users who would like to see FeedJournal as a web application where there would be no need for installation. Of course, as a web site it would also be easier to have a community where news feeds are sorted by for example popularity. I am still sitting on the fence about this, so I would like to hear your opinion, please vote for your preferred option.

Swedish Keyboard Layout Gets Ported to Linux

Why should Windows user have all the fun of using my custom keyboard layout, intended for Swedish programmers and users with non-Swedish keyboards? That's what Henrik Holst, at Stockholm University thought. He e-mailed me a couple of days ago wondering how to port my original idea to Linux. A day later he sends me his own solution for how to set it up on Ubuntu and compatible systems. Way cool! Please go and check out his instructions . Instructions and download for the original Windows version I put together are still available both in English and Swedish .

Ryan & the CIA Publish New Clues

New clues everyone! A few days ago, I was notified that Ryan Brooks had published the second step of the new puzzle - seems to be another tough one. The first step was solved by a Bulgarian team. I think Ryan was right when he said that the first version of the puzzle was only warm-up. On a related note, I was extremely pleased to see new clues in solving the enigmatic Kryptos puzzle, located on CIA headquarters. Yesterday, the CIA revamped their website and put up some nice new close-ups of the Kryptos monument. This is a very welcome addition, since until now the agency has been extremely camera-shy in this respect. The images are available on

Summer is here - "Sommar" is here!

Summer is around the corner as well as season #49 of my favorite radio show from Swedish Radio, " Sommar ". Since 1959, each weekday during summers, Swedes are tuning in to listen to this show. Here, more and sometimes less famous people, get an opportunity to tell their story and select their choice of music between segments. The "summer speakers" picks are always a much talked about piece of news and the press conference is broadcast live. A great tradition; this cultural institution in Swedish society has succeeded in renewing itself over the years. With the Internet boom came web access and a few years ago they added archiving and a podcast format, which is of great benefit for me, living abroad. This year's invention was to invite the public to submit a beginning of a show they would host. Among the submissions, ten candidates have been selected. Now it is up to the public to cast their vote for which candidate to get their own show. I really like the forma...